The pursuit of music is a life long task.
This page exists to aid you in your musical journey. The more understanding of you have the more enjoyable making music will be!
We learn something new everyday. Like learning, these resource pages are a work in progress. We will constantly be adding material as your questions present themselves and when we run across items that could potentially be of value to you. Please don't hesitate to recommend material you would like to see included.

If you are an instructor and would like to be added to this listing please contact us.

Violin & Viola:
Yolanda Dirnberger | Violin/Viola | (605)221-1774 | yo.violin.n.viola93@gmail.com
Christine Egan | Violin/Viola | (605)261-4641 | caegan7@yahoo.com
Marjorie Garry | Violin/Viola | (605)310-0841 | marjoriegarry2@gmail.com
Yi-Chun Lin | Violin/Viola | (646)704-3693 | yichunjeanlin@gmail.com
Sue Sidoti | Violin/Viola | (605)331-4054
Cello & Bass:
Marian Casey | Cello/Bass | (952)240-2328 | mariancaseymusic@gmail.com
John Casey | Bass | H: (605)336-3764 | C: (763)242-1935 | john@lyricwood.org
Vaughan Hennen | Cello | (409)789-1751 | vaughanhennen@gmail.com
Andrew Travers | Cello | (605)496-5339 | dracul13@mac.com
Guitar, Bass Guitar, Ukulele, & Banjo:
Jesse Christensen | Guitar | (605)274-6683 | jesse@thehappydogwalker.com
Bryan Jenson | Guitar/Ukulele | (605)695-9113 | bryan@siouxfallsstrings.com
Darren Matthes | Guitar | (605)951-8932 | darren@darrenmatthes.com
Steve Mcfarland | Guitar/Bass Guitar/Banjo | (605)376-6785 | mcfarland@sio.midco.net
Collin Waltner | Banjo | (314)753-0584 | collinwaltner@gmail.com
Up Tempo | Guitar/Piano/Drums/Voice | (605)223-1128 | UpTempoLessons.com
Big Red Studio - Matt Gearhart | Guitar Lessons | (605)480-2899 | Big Red Studio